Resource #3
Censored Word List for Instagram
The below list are words to censor when:
Typed on an Instagram carousel post
Typed on Instagram stories
If the words below are spoken on Instagram:
Mute/beep out the word if spoken on Instagram
Then re-spell the captions using the list below
Words to Avoid at all costs (could result in account suspension): “Spicy Account(s)”, “Onlyfans”, and “Adult Content.”
Be especially careful with these three words if you have external links in your bio that go to Patreon/Onlyfans.
Sex: S*x
Sexual: S*xual
Sexuality: S*xuality
Porn: P0rn
Pornography: P0rnography
Onlyfans: Onlyf@ns
Horny: H0rny
Cum: C*m
Cumming: C*mming
Masturbate: M@asturbate
Pleasure: Plea$ure
Kink: K!nk
Kinky: K!nky
Dom: D0m (male)
Domme: D0mme (female)
Dominant: D0minant
Submissive: S*bmissive
Sub: S*b
Threesome: Threes0me
Voyeur: Voy3ur
Voyeurism: Voy3urism
Exhibitionist: Exhibit!ionist
Exhibitionism: Exhib!tionism
Pussy: Pu$$y
Vagina: Vag!na
Cunt: C*nt
Cock: C0ck
Penis: Pen!s
Orgasm: Org@sm
Wet: W3t
Genitals: Genit@ls
Boobs: B00bs
Breasts: Bre@sts
Gloryhole: Gl0ryhole
Gangbang: g@ngb@ng
Dildo: dild0
Anal: An@l
Blowjob: Bl0wj0b
Peg/Pegging: P3g/P3gging
Naked: N@ked
Nude: N*de
Vibrator: Vibr@tor
Jerks themself off: j3rks themself 0ff
Nipples: n!pples
Adult content: adu!t c0ntent
Stripper: $tripper
Lingerie: L!ngerie